Everyone, welcome to www.PhillyAutoLaw.com! We are creating this page of our site as a way to connect you with interesting and important updates about the law and how it affects your life. Click 'read more' to continue reading about the purpose of the blog.
You may have heard that a federal judge recently ruled that the NYPD's "stop and frisk" policy violates the constitutional rights of citizens. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324085304579008510786797006.html)
However, you may not have been aware of a separate federal ruling which found that SEPTA was not at fault for their failure to call for medical attention when a passenger was found unresponsive and drooling while sitting in his own urine.
Or how about the fact that an injured person's "tweets" could harm their case?
Our goal is to use this page of the website to keep everyone informed of the law and prepared for whatever situation which may occur.
Of course, if things have already gone downhill and you find yourself injured as the result of another person's negligence, give us a call immediately. After all, no amount of information and preparation can stop someone else's action. So give a call to Philly Auto Law: our entire practice is devoted to litigating personal injury claims.
However, you may not have been aware of a separate federal ruling which found that SEPTA was not at fault for their failure to call for medical attention when a passenger was found unresponsive and drooling while sitting in his own urine.
Or how about the fact that an injured person's "tweets" could harm their case?
Our goal is to use this page of the website to keep everyone informed of the law and prepared for whatever situation which may occur.
Of course, if things have already gone downhill and you find yourself injured as the result of another person's negligence, give us a call immediately. After all, no amount of information and preparation can stop someone else's action. So give a call to Philly Auto Law: our entire practice is devoted to litigating personal injury claims.